Date with You: Gazel


Thank you so much Gazel!! I love you so much<3






- Gazelちゃんの住んでいる場所はどんな所か教えてください。そちらのシーンはどんな感じですか?実は僕、Gazelのことをずっとinstagramでフォローしているけど、どこに住んでいるか全く見当がつかなくて、謎に思ってたんです…


- 早速とてもバカげた質問ですが、Gazelちゃんの日常のスケジュールはどんな感じですか?何時に起きて、何をして過ごすか、みたいな…。インスタを見ると、Gazelちゃんの生活はすごく非現実的に見えるので実際ちゃんと生活しているかどうかを知りたいです。笑



- 今までに、どんなカルチャーやアート、音楽に影響を受けましたか?


- あなたのミューズ的な人はいますか?友人、女性または男性、有名なアーティスト、誰でも構いません。


- あなたは昔、どんな子供でしたか?学校が終わると何をしていましたか?

私は、子供にしてはとっても忙しい子だったと思います。フィギュアスケートやバレエ、ヒップホップダンス、ラテンダンスを習ったり、学校以外の習い事でスケジュールはキッチキチしでした。あとは…、小さい頃から本を読むのが大嫌いで、これからもずっと嫌いだと思う。笑 卒業したら、今後一切本に触れなくてよくなるから、今年卒業するのがすんごく待ち遠しい!!笑 

- ところで、この質問に答えている間、何を聴いていますか?

SoundcloudでHelicaを聴くのにすごくハマっています。Helicaの“Love and Caring” “Unglisten”それと”Passioner”が今一番好きで聴いています。 

- 外が大雨で外に出れず家に一人きり、その状況の中だれか1人、家に招待して一緒に時間を過ごすとしたら誰を選びますか?誰でもOKです。理由も教えてください。


::::: English Version :::::

Your Name : Gazel

Age : 17

The Place you live in : Singapore

Occupation: Student

Your website, Instagram, etc :



- Please describe the place you live in. What’s the scene like there? I’ve never figured out where are you actually from and it’s been always such a mystery…

Talking about the city itself, since this country is small, it is a very stereotypical city... busy streets and a concrete jungle. People are constantly busy working or studying. I live in a quiet neighborhood quite a distance away from the central area. The art scene here isn't very prevalent, as the government mainly focuses more on education and the economy, be it fine arts, performing arts etc.. Which can be difficult for young aspiring artists to find their place in society.

- It is such a silly question but please tell me your daily schedule…? What time you wake up, what do you do usually, etc, etc… You seem so unreal sometimes and I want to make sure if you actually breathe;)

I am still a student, so I wake up at 6am to get ready for school. As a graduating student, most of my days end at 4-5pm, then I'll go home and complete my homework and do a little revision.. (boring yes! though it'll soon end ;) ) but on the weekends I do relax a little, I catch up with friends, or just spend time with my family! I am an art student so I spend a fair amount of my time painting my final piece!

- What kind of culture/art/music have you got influenced by?

I have danced all my life, so I would say that dancing would be my main inspiration for whatever I do. Mainly ballet, as well as ice skating. There were my passion, but under certain circumstances, I switched to fashion and art. However I do incorporate certain ballet elements to everything I do as I've always been infatuated by the artistry and elegance of ballet dancers. 

- Who is your muse kind of person? It can be your friend (female or man), a famous artist or anybody…

hmm this is difficult... I absolutely love Takato Yamamoto. His technique of Ukiyo-e is so mind-blowing, I absolutely fall in love with every piece that he has done. Every piece tells a different story, and all that I can personally relate to deeply. @international_angel on instagram is also someone I am in love with at the moment, she has such a lovely and warming soul. 

- When you were a little kid, what were you like?? What did you do usually after school?

I was very very busy as a kid, I would always be busy with activities outside school such as ice skating, and dancing various genres of dance such as ballet, hip hop, Latin dance, etc. I was never a bookworm, always hate books. Till this day I loathe them haha. I can't wait to graduate this year and never touch them ever!!!

-  By the way, what are you listening to right now while writing answers to all those questions?

Currently obsessed with Helica on soundcloud! Their songs Love and Caring, Unglisten and Passioner are my favs atm.

- If you get stuck at your home all day long since it’s raining so hard outside, who would you pick to spend the whole day with you hanging at your place? It can be anybody! Please tell me the reason too!

I'd choose my cat, because I'm not a people person lol.


photo/text by Mario Kojima 


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