Mix Tape: Noppal "Playlist for Your Road"

さて、Mix Tape第2弾は富山出身のFEMALE RAPPER、Noppalです。
先月、今巷で話題のTrischwaクルーとDecayxodus率いる富山クルーと共に台北上陸をキメこんだイカしたカノジョ〜!前回のFkirtsのMix TapeにもNoppalソング入ってましたね。
そんなこんなで先月末に台北にNoppalがやって来た際には一緒に沢山遊びました。Fukcing Placeと呼ばれるまじで掃き溜めのようなバーで酔っぱらって歌い踊り、デカすぎてFat Typhoonと名付けられた台風が台北に直撃し身動き取れずに1日潰れ、Trischwaおもしろ撮影会を実施したら驚きの動画をNoppalが収めていたり、台北にあるショップ"Waiting Room"にて急遽行うこととなったラジオ番組では生ライブも披露してくれて台北のユース達を完全に魅了したりと、富山から飛び出して来たNoppalは旋風を巻き起こしキラキラと輝いておりました。そして何よりも、富山からスモ〜キ〜なWEED SONGを送り出す異色の存在、華奢なバディから溢れる安定したエネルギッシュバイブスは、唯一無二だなと思い知らされました。Noppalが富山へ帰ってからは、毎日恋しい気持ちになりNoppalの曲を聴きまくっております。では早速、Noppal Mix Tape選曲覗いてみましょう〜。

Noppal is a female rapper from Toyama, which is a beautifullll country side in Japan and she raps about smoking weed which is pretty rare as a Japanese female rapper... She's chill, tiny, but has such a powerful and straight-forward attitude and I'm in love with her personality and talent so much. 
I met her 3 or 4 years ago at Bonobo in Shibuya, at that time I never thought I'd be living in Taipei and she'd come visit and hang out together here... and it did actually happen last month, hmm life is filled up with full of unexpected things for sure as we all know....!
In Taipei,  we went out at some diving bar called Fucking Place which is seriously a fucking place and got drunk and danced, big typhoon hit the city and couldn't do anything for a whole day, we also had a radio show at this select shop called "Waiting Room" and she had a live show that we all enjoyed so much, it was such a blast. Since she went back to Japan, I miss her vibessss and listen to her songs every morning.... and now she picked up some songs for us that we should listen to while traveling.....
introduction by Mari Kojima

Playlist for Your Road by Noppal


Traveling is so much fun. Recently I went on a road trip without using high-ways, and traveled around in Chugoku-district for a week and also went to Shodo Shima in Kagawa-Ken.
At the end of September, I went on a 5-day trip to Taipei, I hadn't traveled overseas for 15 years...
I usually spend time in my home town, SSDD style, it is such an exciting thing to visit new places that I've never been to.
Yet, there are always so many accidents happen while I travel, I get really tired right after I'm in a traveling-high mood, bad weathers sure let me down and I can't say it's always the best condition on a trip, but I always enjoy listening to music in any circumstances....
Here, I just picked some songs while thinking back to the trips that I went on.

Don Armando's - I'm An Indian Too
結構前にLEO ZEROのmixをよく聴いていた時、彼のmixで知って大好きな曲です。

Don Armando's - I'm An Indian Too
When I was listen to LEO ZERO's mix long time ago, I heard this song and it became my favorite song. I haven't listened to this song for a while but when I was getting ready for a trip to Taipei, I remembered this song and started listening to it while packing up.

宇多田ヒカル / 虹色バス

Utada Hikaru / Nijiiro Bus
Her new album was amazing. I just wanna listen to this song when I'm going out when it's sunny out.

DeJ Loaf / Back Up ft. Big Sean

DeJ Loaf / Back Up ft. Big Sean
I love her voice, its flows and melody. 
When I arrived in Taipei with my friends and headed to the city on a bus, they fell asleep till the last stop and I was the only one awake, so I listened to this song over and over again while looking out of the window to see the scenery. I'd never get sick of this song.

VIDEOTAPEMUSIC / Hong Kong Night View feat 山田参助

VIDEOTAPEMUSIC / Hong Kong Night View feat Sansuke Yamada
The second day in Taipei, a big typhoon hit the city and we got stuck at our airbnb, we all went to bed really early as well... That night it was the only night I stayed in a room all by myself, felt lonely and almost got homesick, so I just started listening to music. I thought, hmmm I'm now in Taiwan...., and then I was like, ohh I should listen to "Sekaikakkoku no Yoru" (which means night in every other country) by Video-san. This song is about Hong Kong but I just imagined streets in Taipei that I saw while listening to the song and then fell asleep good. 

小泉今日子 /  LaLaLa...
Kyoko Koizumi /  LaLaLa...
The song I wanna listen to when it's rainy out.
It's composed by Hiroshi Fujiwara, lyrics by Kyoko Koizumi and they really match together perfectly. Really beautiful song.

小泉今日子 / 魔女

Kyoko Koizumi / Majyo
Also my favorite song by Kyon-Kyon (Kyoko Koizumi) released in 1985. I love this song is the most out of all her singles. I just want to sing it loud while driving on a road trip, itt makes me feel so good!
The rhythm of the song feels really comfy, I don't know what exactly it is but the high pitch sounds, which kinda sound like a xylophone is cute as well as Kyon-Kyon's voice. The lyrics is by Takashi Matsumoto but it's all about a girl being jealousy is super cute. 
I love singing these parts, "anata no koto wo fukou ni shitemitai no dakedo" and "sugao no watashi ni modoru no, modoruno!" This song is just too much of cuteness<3

S.L.A.C.K / Dream in marijuana
一番好きなアルバムがMySpaceで必ずと言っていいほど帰りの車で聴いてるアルバム。Dream in marijuanaは超好きです。やっぱWEEDソングは落ち着くなぁ。。なんつって。

S.L.A.C.K / Dream in marijuana
I always listening to S.L.A.C.K while on my way back home from a trip. I just get sucked into his songs when I'm feeling melancholic, exhausted thinking back all the things that happened.
My most favorite album is My Space and I always listen to it on the way back from traveling. I love "Dream in marijuana" so much. Songs about smoking weed always make me feel really calm... hahahaaa... kidding...

日本に帰ってきた日にテレビでピコ太郎が紹介されてて、え!?この人日本人だったの!?思わず二度見しました。そういうこともあって何度か見てるうちになんか面白くなってきました。笑 ちょっとした台湾旅行のエピソードです。

Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen / PIKOTARO
This isn't really a song but I just added this to the list. When the big typhoon hit Taipei, I had to stay in my airbnb and I was talking to my host who was a Taiwanese girl. I asked her what she's into these days and she showed me this movie on youtube.
I didn't really get it so I just kinda fake-laughed and just said "Is he a Taiwanese comedian? It's popular here huh, cool!" and she was laughing hard.
On the day I came back from Taipei I was watching a TV and PIKOTARO was on it, and then I realized he was a Japanese dude. I watched the movie again and I kinda started liking it. haha.

Text by Noppal

Noppal's Profile
2013年One week cycleをSoundCloudにドロップ。その後、
フリーEP等を製作しながら、2014年10月にはLUVRAWが主宰する-IMAGE CLUV-から、自身初となるCD「SUMMER EP 2015」を発表。現在は富山を拠点に活動中。
BOOradio → https://m.soundcloud.com/kpegfzikql19


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